


"Beyond", the documentary I shot this summer in Serbia, is finally on YouTube. It is divided in 4 parts (the first got audio problems because of copywrite royalties of the song I put on, but I hope to win the controversy against YouTube itself...in the meantime you can skip the problem just moving in the middle of the video for a while and then coming back to the beginning. I don't know why but it works this way!!) and those of you who haven't watched it yet can finally do it there.

Take care


Message from Sonja

After my graduation I decided to start learning Spanish and after my decision friend of mine from Volunteer center of Vojvodina told me about possibility to travel abroad. In a moment I liked the idea . I knew about EVS but I was to occupied with finishing my university that I forgot on EVS. Few days later I met Carmen from Spain and she explained me what is exactly EVS for people with disabilities. I was very interested especially for Spain because I want to learn Spanish. This project would give me the opportunity to spend some time in a foreign country, getting know new culture, broaden my horizons, gain perspectives and knowledge I could later share back home.

I would like the opportunity to further develop my skills and broaden my knowledge by having a challenge of working in a new social environment. Another strong motive for me is the possibility to cooperate with different people with different backgrounds, sharing and receiving experience, culture and points of view.

And I am in wheelchair since 2000. I got sick. And of course I want to talk with other people with disabilities and show them that they can travel and do whatever they imagine and that everywhere is the people willing to offer them a help.


Evropa preko puta

„Evropa preko puta“- „Europe across the street“, was the title of a thematic evening organized by LDA and FOKUS on Thursday 27th of August in the Restaurant Stara Pizzeria. The evening’s program consisted of different movies and a round table on the topic of mobility and possibilities to travel for young people in Serbia. The first movie shown was “Beyond”, a documentary film produced by a group of young European volunteers. Over 40 young people in Serbia have been interviewed about what they think of Serbia, Europe and European Union, about their hopes and fears related to this topic. The film clearly shows that the visas are one of the main problems for young people in Serbia. The second film, a short movie elaborated in collaboration of international and local volunteers is treating the same topic but in a more artistic way.

After this two movies represents of different organizations and programmes that give young people the opportunity to travel or volunteer abroad were discussing the topic of mobility for young Serbian people in a round table. Sonja Kozlina And Afrim Uka are future EVS-volunteers from Novi Sad and they are actually the first Serbian young people with invalidity ever that are going on a longterm volunteering service. Further participants were Igor Marjanović from AIESEC, Hubai Laszlo from hospitalityclub.org, Miroslav Šokčić from couchsurfing.org and Marko Aksentijević, author of the guide for cheap traveling „Priručnika za jeftino putovanje“.

In the end of the evening the german road movie „Im Juli“ (In July), showing the journey of two young people across the Balkans to Istanbul, was projected.

The whole event was certainly a success. The garden of the Pizzeria contributed to a cosy and friendly athmosphere. The movies made people laugh, as there are for sure very funny moments, but they made reflect and even angry as well, as they are talking about a difficult topic for the young people in Serbia, about their feeling of being imprisoned, isolated of the world. Hopefully the round table could motivate some of the young people in the public to try to travel, altough all the difficulties. The copies of the „guide for cheap traveling“ should help themin doing so. As Marko Aksentijević said: „The most important is not to have money, just start your journey and everything will resolve itself on the way“.



Evropa preko puta
Veče posvećeno temi mobilnosti mladih i mogućnostima putovanja za mlade

U četvrtak, 27.avgusta 2009., sa početkom u 20.00 časova, u bašti Stare Picerije, održaće se filmsko veče i tribina posvećeni temi mobilnosti mladih i mogućnostima putovanja za mlade.

20.00 časova
Projekcija filmova:

Beyond (2009.)– dokumentarni film (35 min.)
Autori: Irene Bertozzi, Carmine Loru (Ti u akciji)

Ne mogu se ni vratiti, ako ne odem! (2009.) – kratki film
Režija: Gigi Mete, Heron Ferreira (Naotem Zoom)

21.00 čas
Tribina na temu mobilnosti mladih i mogućnostima putovanja za mlade:

Govore: Igor Marjanović (AIESEC), Noemi Helfenstein, Sonja Kozlina, Afrim Uka (EVS), Hubai László (hospitalityclub.org), Miroslav Šokčić (couchsurfing.org), Marko Aksentijević (autor „Priručnika za jeftino putovanje“ grupe 484).

22.00 časa
Projekcija filma:

Im Juli (2000.) - dugometražni igrani film (Nemačka)
Režija: Fatih Akin

Organizatori su Agencija za lokalnu demokratiju iz Subotice i FOKUS Fondacija.
Program je ostvaren u saradnji sa Goethe-Institutom Beograd, grupom 484 i Ti u akciji.

Movies projection in Subotica

Bookcrossing in Subotica

A small group of local volunteers and me, EVS-volunteer in Subotica and TiUackiji-member in collaboration with the LDA Local Democracy Agency of Subotica and the FOKUS foundation on Saturday 22nd of August 2009 organized the first BookCrossing-Party in Subotica. In the garden of the Restaurant Bash Kuca the idea and function of BookCrossing were presented and people had the opportunity to register their books directly on place and to open their profile on www.BookCrossing.com. In the e nd of the evening the Bands DUOdenum and Wooden Ambulance were playing. Bash Kuca on this evening became the first official BookCrossing-zone in Subotica and we hope people will regulary use the BookCrossing-bookshelf in this place. It was a lot of work and energy to organize this event, finding books, registering them, making posters, organizing bands agree with Bash Kuca on the official BookCrossing-zone and so one, still I am convinced it was worth it. Over 30 books got registered on the same evening on BookCrossing.com and many people showed their interest. Already some other coffee places and restaurants expressed their interest to become a BookCrossing-zone as well. It’s planned to organize further BookCrossing-Promotion-evenings there in the next time. I am glad to know my friends from FOKUS and LDA will continue the promotion of BookCrossing in Subotica. Noemi Helfenstein (EVS-volunteer from Switzerland in Subotica) PRVA BOOKCROSSING ŽURKA U SUBOTICI održana je 22. avgusta 2009. u bašti Baš kuće, uz muziku akustičnih sastava DUOdenum i Wooden Ambulance. Više od 30 knjiga je registrovano na internacionalnom bookcrossing sajtu i time započelo svoj put do sledećeg čitaoca. Subotica je treći grad u Srbiji koja će imati svoju bookcrossing policu, u Bash kući, gde ćete bilo kada moći doneti i uzeti vašu sledeću knjigu. Zahvaljujemo se štampariji ROTOGRAFIKA, Gradskoj biblioteci i Knjižari "Danilo Kiš" koji su darovali knjige za ovu jedinstvenu akciju. O tome šta je bookcrossing pogledjate ovde Augusztus 22-én este a Bash-ház udvarába került megrendezésre az első BookCrossing rendezvény. A Bash-házban megrendezésre kerülő eseményre számos, különféle korosztályba tartozó érdeklődő látogatott el. Míg a hangulat a buli formáját öltötte magára – fellépett a a DUOdenum és a Wooden Ambulance együttes is – addig az est egyben alkalmasnak mutatkozott az olvasás népszerűsítésére is. Számos kötet indult világkörüli útra illetve pihen most egy kicsit Szabadkán. Köszönjük a segítséget a Danilo Kis könyvesboltnak, a Rotografikának illetve a Városi Könyvtárnak. De mi is az a BookCrossing? A játék nagyon egyszerű: keress egy könyvet a könyvtáradban, amelyet szerinted más szívesen olvasna; ragaszd bele a mozgalom sárga logóját ábrázoló matricát, amin egy jókedvű könyv szaladgál a pálcikalábain; majd pedig hagyd el valahol a kötetet. Ottfelejtheted egy parkban a padon, egy kávézóban vagy a vonaton. Annyi a dolgod, hogy regisztrálod a honlapon a matricán található azonosító (BCID: BookCrossing-ID) kód segítségével. Aki megtalálja a könyvet, szintén regisztrálja, hogy hozzá került a könyv, és miután elolvasta, ő is elhagyja valahol, és így a könyv elindul vándorútjára, amelyet a honlapon követni lehet. http://www.subotica.info/eventview.php?event_id=29523&tag_id=5421