
What is EVS (European Voluntary Service)?

Who can go for EVS?

For an EVS project, according to the Youth in Action rules, can go a person who:
- is between 18 an 30 years old;
- doesn't have to have any qualications or experiences, doesn't have to know any foreign language (as far as Hosting Organization does not require this)
- the only criteria is a strong motivation, age and a citizenship of one of the countries participating in the project (or - for volunteers from outside of the Program Countries - holding a temporary/permanent registration card).

What do I have to do to go for EVS ?

- Contact a sending organization in Serbia
- arrange a meeting with them or with us, Ti u akciji
- after common decision of co-operation, we start looking for a partner to host a volunteer (Hosting Organization)
- if a Hosting Organization accepted your application, it's a time to fill-in a grant application. Hosting and Sending Organizations, together fill-in the agreement and decide to which National Agency to apply - in the sending or in the hosting country.
- Each Hosting organization can apply with a project within 5 deadlines: 1st of February, 1st of April, 1st of June, 1st of September, 1st of November. This means that they have to find a volunteer about two weeks before each of the deadlines. Sometimes they found someone already long time ago, sometimes someboy is already at the project and they don't have capacity for more volunteers at the moment. Situation can be different in every organization.
If you decide to look for a vacancy on your own, it's good to chose more projects, e.g. 5, 10 or even 20. Then either a coordinator from a sending organization or you can send e-mails to each organization asking if they are currently looking for a volunteers. If the answer is positive, we send CV and motivation letter to the organization an wait for the result!
- From the deadline when the project is send to the National Agency till the beginning of the project at least 3 months have to pass (so if the project was applied with the deadline of 1st of Februray, it cannot start earlier that the1st of May). This period can be longer, but never shorter.

How long an EVS project lasts?

EVS projects last between 2 and 12 months. You can participate in an EVS project only once. Exeptional are short-term projects (between 2 weeks and 2 months) - after participating in a short-term project you can still apply for a long-term project. This option is available only for youth with less opportunities!

Where to find the projects?

EVS projects start on-going through the whole year. The database with the projects, or rather with the Hosting Organizations, is available on the internet: ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/

What about the food and accommodation?

EVS volunteers have food money, accommodation and personal pocketmoney provided. The work at the project is voluntary and not a job for earning money. Pocketmoney is calculated according the students' standard (so from time to time you can afford a cinema, pub, swimming pool, museums or galleries, but on our shopping list you won't have expensive restaurants, braned stores or guide tours - for a volunteer it boring anyway!)

How do I get to the project country?

Your travel costs are paid within the project money. Before applying with the project you need to estimate the travel costs and choose the means of transport.
There are different ways of traveling: on foot, by bike, hitchhiking, with a bus, a taxi, a train or a plane. Travelling by plane is fast, easy and not so expensive. Unortunatelly planes use a lot of energy. Plane fumes are one of the main reasons of a global climate change and the air traffic contaminates enviornment more than any other mean of transport. So before booking your plane ticken, check - maybe it's worth to travel with a different mean of transport.

Is the project only work and nothing else?

Of course NO! The important part of every project is getting to know the country and the environment, in which you stay. Also learning a local language and customs. After a day of work and during the weekends you will have a lot of time to play, sightsee, swim, dance, discuss, play football, sing, write letters, learn local sayings... Some of the volunteers even fall in love or find a pemanent jobs.
There are many different EVS projects. They can concern, e.g. working in a centre fo refugees (teaching English or organising free time activities for the habitants), or on an organic farm connected with educating children about living in peace with nature, or working with disabled people, helping them to participate in cultural, sport and social life.
Being an EVS is one of a kind opportunity to taste the real life in another country and getting to know wonderful people, which is also hard and important job.

Am I insured during the project?

YES! - every EVS volunteer is insured for the time of the project together with time of the travel within the AXA group insurance.

For further details about EVS you can always contact us at ti.u.akciji@gmail.com and find many other information with the website www.maldiuakciji.rs

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